Saturday, 21 May 2011


did the rapture happen? i didn't notice, i was watching CSI

Friday, 6 May 2011


had my final and only exam this morning so i'm allowed to blog again. well done me.

SO i was reading up on my celebrity gossip as i like to do, and i saw that cheryl cole is on the american x factor now. which amazes me because she's a geordie lass and probably no-one will understand a word out of her mouth. and also, geordie shore, a newcastle version of jersey shore has been made by mtv. me and my friend have been trailing around newcastle trying to find them but we can't, possibly because we're not utter tramps like them.
so what i have gathered is: being a geordie is in fashion! how glorious! newcastle is not that big, and it's honestly pretty gross, but here we are spawning cheryl cole and geordie shore. i am going to be really kind and thus make my own introduction to newcastle.


- the man who invented the ipod, iphone, ipad and macbook went to northumbria university. which coincedentally is where i study.

- mosely street in newcastle city centre was the first street in the world to be lit by electricity and the lit and phil lecture theatre was the first public place to be lit by electricity

- newcastle has the highest binge drinking rates in england, which has the highest binge drinking rates in all of europe. you wanna get drunk? get here.

- sting is from newcastle. i'm pretty sure america loves sting. everyone here, literally everyone, claims to know/ have met sting at least once.

- the first biotechnology village and consequently the leading research lab for stem cell research in the UK, the 'centre for life', is located in newcastle city centre

- newcastle is the noisiest city in the UK with an average decibel rate of 80.4 explaining why no-one understands each other

- other music people from here: bryan ferry, dire straits, brian johnson of ac/dc, the animals and yes, fucking maximo park and the futureheads. you see them on the metro all the time. i managed to serve the lead singer of maximo park in HMV at christmas and have no idea who the hell he was.

- get carter was filmed here and the pub the beehive is still exactly how it was when get carter was filmed e.g. horrible

nifty eh?

but wait, there's more!

newcastle is home to a singular dialect spoken nowhere else in the world, primarily because it is unintelligible and bizarre. seriously, it's one of the hardest accents to master in the world. in order for you to understand what cheryl cole says on the x factor, here are some helpful translations and handy phrases:

here man! (hee-yah mahn) - exclamation of anger/ surprise

well-aye (well-eye) - yes

whyaye man (why-eye mahn) - yes definitely

doon - down

gan - going

hew man (hoo mahn) - excuse me, but ruder

radgie (raj-jee) - derogatory slang for a working class person

charver (char-ver) - same as above

eeeeeeeeee... - exclamation of shock/ disappointment

tab/snout - cigarette

excuse me - what people say when they're about to abuse you

fuckin' poshie (fuckin posh-ee) - what i am called on a near daily basis for having no geordie accent and therefore being posh.

for more, head to:

and LARN YARSEL GEORDIE LEEK ( learn to speak geordie)

some educational videos you may care to watch:

a comical interpretation of geordie. it is pretty accurate.

yes there was a skit on tv called wonky donkey. that's what it's like in england, get over it.

here you go, jersey shore, but in newcastle e.g. geordie shore. possibly worse than jersey (note the number of likes v.s. dislikes)

now you're ready to be a fashionable geordie! don't say i never do anything useful on this blog

p.s. the royal wedding was shit, i don't understand why anyone here or anywhere else suddenly cares about the monarchy because it's not like they actually do anything useful. unless you count being inbred and rich as useful. so i'm not even going to write about it, because it's a waste of time.

p.p.s fucking kate middleton made me sick of my own name.