Monday, 17 May 2010


today i have woken up, and pretty much decided from the offset that it is going to be an awful day. call me crazy, but i swear, i get a twisty stomach in the morning and i know some kind of shit is going to go down. and today, i have the twisty stomach. maybe it's the tea (i'm slightly lactose intolerant) or maybe it's my gut feeling.
i phoned my boyfriend this morning, apparently to his dismay. he sounded a bit asleep and annoyed, so now i feel like a tit. i always get the feeling i annoy him or something, which probably isn't good, considering i've been with him for like nearly three years. i love the kid, love him to death, he's my best friend and we've stuck together for a long time considering our ages. but i swear sometimes he must get really annoyed at me or something. i don't blame him, i'm fairly intense. but hey, we alt types often are. i'm one of those terrible people who hates it when people don't answer their phones/ text you back quickly. so i keep texting/ ringing. i should probably stop doing that. i hate it though, it enrages me. still, what actually doesn't? that'd be a very short list. i should make some kind of pledge to be a much better person. i'd much much rather play on harry potter on the ps2 though. ok, short one.

+ be better at getting a job
+ keep going with diet/ exercise
+ probably write more
+ stop forgetting to take vitamin supplements
+ be a less annoying person
+ stop doing the changing hair colour all the time thing

i dyed my hair pink yesterday, i don't know how i feel about it yet though. it's very bright, so i'm slightly worried that i've gone for that fourteen year old nobody-understands-me look. the last time i had pink hair was two years ago, and my hair's in seriously better condition though so at least it doesn't look like candyfloss this time. (to be honest, i think it looks ace, i just honestly worry what people think about me. everyone says they don't, but really we all know that's a dirty stinking lie)
i need to shake this funky mood. how do i do it? byop or pixies on, LOUD; gym; fruit smoothie of some description (from my dad's juicer; have you been paying attention?); cycle into town; see if boyfriend wants to hang out; fix face; stroke cat; have some kind of lunch; play on playstation
obviously these are not in chronological order, but i'll probably do most of them. maybe. at the very least i'll play on the playstation.

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