Thursday, 19 August 2010

oh my life

i have just returned from the gym, because sometimes i actually go instead of just saying i will, and it was horrible. i went on the treadmill because after hovering near the cross trainer for five minutes shyly pressing buttons like i was trying to ask it on a date, the girl next to me told me it was turned off. i think she thought i was loitering because i fancied her, which i didn't. she wasn't my type at all. so i went on the treadmill until i thought i was going to die. when i left i had a sensationally red face, like terrifyingly red, and i started walking home. then some horrid mean boys laughed at me and asked me what was wrong with my face. i completely did not know what to say though. i just grimaced like a red-faced loon. it seemed unfair that i got abuse for trying to lose weight and be healthy, if anything they should have been saying 'that sheen of sweat on your moustache area and forehead are a sign of hard work and dedication. well done'
but no.
i have downloaded monkey island special edition for the xbox to reward myself for being soooo excellent and going to the gym. so that's all i'll be doing tonight, along with eating a jacket potato and fuming silently about my shameful glowing face. god, why does my scalp have to sweat? there's so much hair that it all gets wet at the roots and makes me look like i don't wash.
i'm going to have a bath now because i smell of gym and sweat, and the smell is quite violent.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I hate the gym also! It's soooo boring! I find putting on loud music and flinging myself around the flat for half an hour far more rewarding!
