Thursday, 9 December 2010

it's a very dark day

liberal democrats let us all down. we expected it of the tories, but i actually expected better from lib dems. i'm sad to say i expected too much. education is no longer a right, but a privilege. student fees have tripled. the end is nigh. ANARRRRCCCHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY
or something, i don't know, i didn't protest. i don't really care about anything enough to protest on its behalf. except my mum, but i don't think anyone's going to outlaw her any day soon.



  1. What a great picture. You'd be hard-pressed to find defamation like that around here.

  2. that's a shame. graffiti'd posters are one of my greatest pleasures in life. there's a great one i walk past every day that says FUCK LIBERALS FUCK TORIES THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING with a massive anarchy sign. it warms my heart.
