Thursday 15 December 2011


i technically go to university (i never actually go) and i've just kind of realised that one of those exam tips they give you about actually turning up? genius. don't know why i didn't think of that. i was too busy watching the oc at home and drinking coffee, i regret nothing by the way that was the best idea ever, and now i have an exam tomorrow and i don't really know what i'm doing. so blogging about it is really helping, obvz. here is what i know about the early modern period so far

  • francis bacon wrote some essays about science and philosophy
  • they were dead good
  • thomas more wrote utopia in latin to unify the catholic church except now everyone thinks it's about communists
  • is it funny to call communists pinkos? i find it hilarious but admittedly i'm not great with the whole oops that's not pc sometimes thing
  • the catholic church in the 17th century had some beefs with itself and martin luther nailed some shit to a church door about protesting the earthly nature the religion was taking with all the catholics loving bling and shit and he called for the religion to move more towards spiritual fulfillment
  • that sounded dead proper
  • loads of english queens and kings fought about what religion the country would be which is why i like henry viii cos he literally just went 'what i can't divorce my wife? well I SAY I'M THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH AND THAT I CAN' that is the best reasoning i have ever heard of in my life, bravo siR

i think that's all i've taken in from the whole semester so once again well done me you've really outdone yourself last time. it was a fluke last year when you did the exact same thing and passed the exam, it's not going to happen this time i hope you know that. you have terrible luck you know that you never ever win on crane machines.


1. don't ever listen to a word i say and listen to this song over and over and over

for extra funsies i am singing KATE when he sings PRINCE because i really am funky