Monday 16 January 2012

let it flow

*disclaimer: for all of yall who refuse to acknowledge/ do not find funny the existance of and discussion of periods and or feminine hygiene (or in my case lack of therein WUT) i probably wouldn't read this if i were you because maybe you'd faint and need some smelling salts or something*


every girl you know has them. we have them and they fucking suck a sack of camel dicks. they're different for every girl, some girls are lucky and have 'light' periods for like three days and don't cramp or get hormonal. gonna say right now: i am not one of these girls. i would not be here if i was one of these girls i would be out in a dress holding a cocktail and laughing carelessly while i enjoyed my lack of homicidal thoughts. that is not where we are right now. we are on the opposite end of that spectrum. we're at the end where i'm wearing a bathrobe and crying at toddlers and tiaras. because despite all the ways in which i scream about people who say 'geez are you on your period' i am actually very volatile on the rag. but you know what, you would be too if you had pms (spots, irrational emotional explosions, sore stomach) and a chest infection (sore chest, vomiting up what look like wet green cornflakes). you'd be pissed too. i know i normally hate everything but this is different, this is like everything makes me irrascibly angry and depressed and bound to cry at some point. but let's face it: THIS HAPPENS TO EVERY GIRL. and most boys. i'm pretty sure men have a time of the month also because jeez sometimes they act worse than we do, and for no reason no less. i've lost my train of thought now.
i just hate everything. i'll edit this at some point.

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