Wednesday, 10 February 2010

wait a minute

just before i go

the brain can't feel pain. how beautiful and steely in irony is it that the brain, the lumpy whorled meat in your skull, controls the electric impulses to nerve ending that cause pain, yet it can't feel pain itself? how hypocritical, to dole out and then refuse to take. however, to not feel pain is to not know pleasure. loneliness is the game of the brain; sending out the messages to feel. your first kiss, the way it feels to be left, being stabbed. the brain controls everything, but you can't shoot the messenger, because the messenger is in a cage of bone, controlling the feelings but never feeling them itself.
so; pity or resentment?


  1. I know I'm kind of a random passerby but I gotta say, for all the time I spend thinking about people, I never thought about that. Much less broke it down as thoughtfully and creatively as you did.

  2. there's a lot that's messed up to do with the body if you ask me. your body releases the chemical DMT just before you die, which is similar to LSD, so you basically trip your nuts off until you die whether you want to or not.

  3. Had no clue the body did that either. Knew about DMT and whatnot but not just before death. Then again it would explain the "life flashing before your eyes" bit.

    Ironically though I think it's more interesting than messed up. Like the brain knows "Aw shit. It's over", and its instinctual reaction is to jam itself full of chemically-induced fantasies.
