Wednesday 17 March 2010


here are some things i have realised, primarily certain phrases that really mean other things:

'are you alright?' - 'i know you're not alright, clearly something is wrong, and i want to know what it is on an interest level, not because i want to help'

'i need some space' - 'there is a space you usually occupy near me, and i would like that space to be empty now because i do not want you to be near me'

'how are you?' - 'i want to talk about myself, and what with the tennis-like back and forth quality of most conversation, by asking you to talk about yourself i will then logically have to reciprocate with talking about myself'

'is there anything i can do?' - 'i feel bad that you feeling bad is putting a dampener on things so i'll offer to do something superficial for you that will help me feel better, but not necessarily you'

'i'll call you later' - 'i will not call you later'

my head is actually so sore right now that i am angry about it being sore so that makes it sorer and me angrier so on so forth ow ow ow ow owwwwwwww


  1. The "How are you" one is so true it's a joke.

    But you missed the classic "Aw man I haven't seen you in a while--WE SHOULD HANG OUT".

    And then, astonishingly, it never happens.

  2. 'aww we have to hang out soon!' - 'we are not going to hang out but if i don't say that we will then it will obviously and glaringly point out that we have no intentions of deliberately being in the same place at the same time. this time was merely an unfortunate coincedence, and i pray it does not happen again'
