Wednesday 7 April 2010


it's taken two hours, and with the help of sonic youth's 'goo', two j-cloths, bleach and some old joggers, i've scoured the bathroom and also tidied my room. feel pretty good, if not scruffy because i have a pretty good birds nest do and also i stink. sexy.

i had forgotten how much i like watching buffy the vampire slayer, and now i am pretty glad i remember how awesome it is. i was scared to watch it again in case i was remembering it better because i was younger, but it turned out that it's still awesome. i'm glad because there's seven seasons so it'll take me ages to re-watch it. that's time better spent than finding a job.

'sometimes it seems that these small deviations from routine are the only things that keep us avoiding death. when i wake up i am paralyzed: living, breathing, lying on my bed and existing so loudly. wondering how? every day, every minute, how i have cheated death just by being alive?'
i thought of it in a taxi the other day when going a different route to a friends house, and realising that the different route cheered me up. right, now i really really have to go and shower because i am absolutely rancid.

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